Santiago turned 7 months old about a week ago on Sept. 4
th, but life has been super busy so I am just now getting the chance to tell you what he is up to now at 7 months!
- Weighs about 22 pounds and is 29 inches long.
- Wears size 3 diapers.
- Wears 12-18 months clothing.
- Santiago's first tooth broke through the gums a few days ago on the bottom.
- Snuggles with me and lays his head on my shoulder when he is acting shy or getting sleepy.
- Knows when you hide something from him or he drops something. He will lean over and look for it.
- Laughs when you tickle him or do something silly. He will laugh for a long time when you get him going.
- Smiles and laughs at me if I sniff his bottom. I know thats gross but its easier than trying to peek in his diaper when he has pants on.

- Santiago's hair is really getting thicker all over and as you can see in this next picture - it's curly! We hope it stays that way but we aren't so sure it will. Santi almost needs a haircut because it is getting long and coming over his ears.
- Can roll over both ways now so he is beginning to be mobile!
- Tries real hard to sit himself up when he is on his back. He pulls up with all his might and I'm sure he will be able to put himself into a sitting position on his own real soon.
- Eats two solid meals a day and breastmilk 4 times a day. Loves sweet potatoes, butternut squash, avocado, banana and his cereals. He has also tried peaches, plums, applesauce, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, and peas. He isn't loving any of those just yet.
- Pretend gags when he doesn't like something - it's hilarious! But if I keep telling him it's yummy he will eat more!
- Loves to move both his hands at the same time like he is waving over and over again so we are trying to get him to learn how to wave to us.
- Loves Roxie and Jager and any other dog he can see.
- Loves to be outside and watch cars go by on Grandma and Grandpa's front porch. Grandma Linda tells him what color the cars are that pass.
- Enjoys it when you show him things and tell him what they are.
- Loves to look at himself in the mirror especially when I am fixing his hair.
- Still loves his bath time and can sit up in the bath now without scaring me to death.
- Watches cartoons occasionally while I get ready in the morning for work - he likes Special Agent Oso on Disney.
- When sitting on the floor, he will reach and fall onto his stomach and then roll over without scaring himself. It used to scare him when he fell over.
- Speaking of getting scared - Daddy and Grandpa yelled at the football game today and made Santi cry because it startled him.
- Santiago has been fighting his first cold for the last few days. He has had a lot of congestion that has turned a stuffy nose into a runny nose. He fights me when I use the booger sucker on him but once I get the tube in his nose he smiles at me and lets me do it. I guess he knows that I am helping him get all the junk out.
- Since Santi has had this cold, he has been sleeping with his head on a pillow like a big boy.
- We think Santi is going to have a deep voice - he grunts, growls and makes his sounds in a deep voice! But he can also give you a nice squeal too!
Santiago is growing and changing so fast and he is absolutely the best baby ever. We love him so so much! Sometimes I get sad that he is growing so quickly and it makes me get teary eyed! He is a very smart little boy and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for him.
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