
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

9 Months Old

Holy Moly Santiago is 9 months old today. I can not believe it! Time is flying by and he is growing more and more fun each day. I love this little boy more than I could have ever imagined! And yes I said little boy because he doesn't really seem like a baby anymore. We dress him in pants and shirts, he wears socks that look like his grandpa's, and he has a ton of hair! The overalls he is wearing in these pictures were my brother Travis' when he was little. My mom saved them and they look so cute on Santi. It also has a hoodie jacket that matches.
Here is what Santiago is up to lately:

  • Weighs 25-26 pounds!
  • Wears 18 month size clothes and size 3 diapers. He should be in size 4 but we are trying to use up the last of our size 3's before we buy more.
  • Mosquitos love him. He is a skeeter magnet for some reason - poor guy! He may be allergic to bites because they take forever to go away and sometimes blister.
  • Loves to be outside.
  • Wants you to point out everything is sight and tell him what it is. He will see something across the room and start grunting until you figure out what he is looking at.
  • Wants to touch everything!
  • Can pull himself into the standing position while holding on to something or someone and is beginning to cruise around.
  • Can stand for a few seconds unsupported.
  • Can get in the sitting position by himself from laying down.
  • Santiago's not crawling yet but he can scoot on his bottom, roll, or push himself backwards to get from one place to another.
  • When sitting, he can walk his hands forward 3-4 steps so his stomach is close to the floor and then push himself back up.
  • Laughs hysterically at Roxie and hugs you tightly when she comes near him. He hides his face in your chest or neck and gives a big bear hug and then lets go to look for Roxie again. It's like he is playing a game with her. The hug is the greatest feeling ever!
  • Eats cheerios and loves them!
  • Can drink through a straw.
  • Loves to drink water.
  • Babbles all the time - I think we are going to have a big talker on our hands! "mama" "dada" "nanana" "ba ba" The way his little mouth moves is so cute when he is talking.
  • Has 4 teeth - two bottom and the two front teeth.
  • Loves yogurt and pears! Those have to be his two favorite foods.When in the bath tub, loves to bend over and dip his face in the water. I think he may be trying to get a drink.
  • Will clap your hands together if you hold them in front of him.
  • Still loves to jump in his doorway jumper.
  • Loves the itsy bitsy spider song.


  1. adorable!!! can't wait to see you guys!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! He weighs as much as my 3 year old daughter! (I should also mention she's tiny, 10 percentile.)
