
Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Exciting Things

Santiago finally got a new car seat! He has been a little too big for his carrier car seat for a few months now and after a lot of research, we finally picked one. We didn't go for the most expensive - we chose one with great rating that will ensure Santiago's safety in the car. Here he is trying it out. Doesn't he look all grown up? The seat is sitting on our sitting room floor right now. I will install it into the car this weekend. I don't know if you can see in this next picture - but Santiago's two bottom teeth are showing in his smile. They are the cutest little things ever! He has two bottom teeth and two top teeth and he has been working on cutting his fifth tooth this week. We saw it tonight starting to break through the gums just to the right of his two front teeth. He has been drooling a ton this week and hasn't been that interested in his solid foods. He doesn't fuss too much or run a fever thank goodness when he is teething!
And finally - are you ready for this....you have been asking and asking if he can crawl yet and now I can finally say yes! He has been scooting, rolling and pushing his way around for awhile now but tonight he finally crawled! It's a funny little crawl because he isn't on both knees. He is on one knee and one foot with his hands down. Take a look on this really short video:

Santiago has also gotten really good at pulling himself up to stand and has begun to take tiny steps when he is standing up around furniture. This little stinker may not crawl long because he sure loves to stand!

1 comment:

  1. Santiago's father Hector walked at 9 months. I think his son might be following in his footsteps.

    Grandma Linda
