
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blog Time is a Hard Find

Life has been busy busy lately and I just haven't been able to find time to blog.

Hector recently graduated with his MBA in finance and started a new job. I am so proud of him for all his hard work and determination he put into his program for the last couple years. It's a huge accomplishment to work full time, be an amazing husband and father and to go to school. He is our rock and I am so thankful for him. We are blessed!

Santiago is excelling in kindergarten and we are very proud of him. He's mastered all his sight words and is reading so well. I've always loved the magic of learning to read but seeing your own child accomplish it is simply amazing. We signed Santiago up for t-ball for the spring and he will also be starting Lego camp at school in a couple weeks.

Gabriel is a busy 3.5 year old who is strong willed and loving all at the same time. He has a unique sense of humor and loves going to preschool/MDO twice a week. We recently gave up his nap in the afternoon because bedtime was becoming too hard for him. Without the nap, he is able to go to sleep easier and can stay happy throughout the day if he is busy and fed. Lol.

Sophia is 21 months old and is beginning to talk a lot more. Our neighbor says she sounds like a minion when she is babbling away telling her own story. More real words are emerging every day and she even says a couple two word phrases. She loves to wear chones on top of her diapers and she is becoming aware of when she uses the restroom so I'm hoping she will be easy to potty train when she is ready. She nods yes with her whole body and gets super excited when you figure out what she wants/needs. She plays well independently and loves to get in the middle of whatever her brothers are playing too. Her hair is growing longer and is still pretty curly when it's humid.

We added a puppy to our family last weekend and so far she has been a great addition. She has learned to potty outside and to stay on her bed or in her crate when we need her too. She is like a little baby right now where she has small wake periods where she is very playful but then goes back to sleep. You have to be careful when your walking because she gets right under you and sometimes nips at your ankles! Overall she is sweet and calm and the kids love her.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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