
Thursday, May 14, 2009

One Month of Helmet Wear

Santiago started wearing his helmet a month ago. We started with the Starband (white helmet) and then switched to this clear one. The orthotist is happy with the progress that Santiago is making. We went again today for a helmet check and adjustment and you can see that he added another white patch to the inside of the helmet. He wants to apply a little more pressure on the skull in that area in order to help his bones grow toward the front instead of up. They are working on bringing the right forehead and eyebrow bone out more. A lot of the flatness has already disappeared and rounded out. He also made some adjustments to the plastic in front of the ears to allow a little more room because it was beginning to leave marks on his face when we took the helmet off in the evenings. Aaron, the orthotist, also opened the helmet up an eighth of an inch to make the whole thing just a little bigger. Santiago likes Aaron alot. Santi was a little fussy when we got there because I had to wake him up from a nap. He didn't sleep much today at all. Just two 30 minute naps earlier in the day. Whenever Santi and I were waiting in the room for Aaron to bring the helmet back, Santi was fussing a little and wanted to go back asleep but as soon as Aaron would come back in and talk to him he automatically would start to smile. I am glad that he likes Aaron because Aaron has to mess with his head so much while we are there. He has to take the helmet off and on several times to make sure the adjustments are good. It would make our visits there a lot more difficult if Santiago cried the whole time. So thank goodness Aaron is nice and Santi likes him! We will go back again next Thursday for our weekly checkup and then he wants to see us on the following Tuesday at the main center so he can take another scan of Santiago's head. The scan will show the growth progress. We also will see Dr. T that day so it will be nice to show Dr. T the scan so he can see the actual progress as well.

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