Momma and Santi will play! (and miss him of course) Hector went with our friend Anthony today to watch the Texas Longhorns beat Texas Tech in Austin. So while he was away, Santiago and I had fun together. We started off by taking a 2 hour nap together when Hector was leaving this morning around 10:30. When we woke up, I nursed Santiago and then we changed into our UT clothes and went out to eat at Brother's Pizza. I have never eaten in a restaurant by myself and today since Santi was with me I guess I technically still haven't but it was definitely different than going out to eat with a friend. When we arrived there, I placed my order and then found us a table. I got the highchair covered in the great highchair cover my mom made me and I served Santiago his butternut squash, peas and wheat cereal. Then I ate my food after when it arrived. It was a very enjoyable lunch! After lunch, Santiago and I went to pick a few things up at Target before heading home. When I first sat Santi in the shopping cart he was sitting straight and tall looking all around and talking to people but after just 10 minutes or so he started getting sleepy and just slouched back in the seat and rested his head on the side of the shopping cart cover. He looked so cute just lounging in the seat. This lady couldn't believe he was just relaxing the way he was. He didn't fall asleep but he sure got himself comfortable! He did fall asleep on the car ride home and then slept for a little over an hour once I put him in his crib.
Uncle Bubba aka Travis came over to watch the game with Santiago and me this evening and hang out. Unfortunately, the game was beginning right at Santiago's bath time so he did not get to watch much of the game with us. Thank goodness for DVR! We just put the game on hold until after I bathed Santi and dressed him in his UT jammies. He had to cheer on his Horns even while he was sleeping!

Texas beat Tech 34-24 Hook Em Horns!
You have NEVER eaten at a restaurant alone??? --Candice V.