
Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Mom, My Hero

I haven't written too much on here what's been going on with me, but I have been going through some health stuff. I have some very special parents in my life who have been helping me along the way. I have wonderful in-laws who will take my boys at the drop of a hat and do laundry for me, take my car to get an oil change or anything else that I may need. They have been cooking dinner twice a week for me and the boys while Hector goes to grad school. I also have wonderful parents who traveled to Spring and stayed with me for an entire month to help me with everything. They did this back in February when my health issues first began. My mom left yesterday after spending about 5 days with us again. She came down to go to a doctor appointment where I had an EMG/ Nerve Conduction test done on my arm and leg muscles. Luckily all my tests that I have had done through my rheumatologist have come back good including the emg. I have been having ongoing pain and muscle weakness/fatigue in my arms and legs every day since February 15. Some days are much harder than others and I'm very thankful for the days that my pain level is low. It never completely leaves but I'm hopeful that one day it will. My next step is to see a neurologist for possible metabolic or mitochondrial myopathy. Anyways, back to my mom and hero. I'm extremely grateful for all the love and support she has given me my whole life but I am especially thankful for everything she has been doing and is doing for me now. This week she did ALL my laundry, cooked, cleaned, changed diapers, fed me and the boys, helped me organize our playroom and move the furniture, and so much more that I can't even list. Mom, I love you and so do my boys - all 3 of them - and we are all extremely grateful for you. Thank you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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